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Your Heroine's Journey Through Midlife
ReClaiming The Feminine, ReAnimating Your Life
Personal Exploration Workshops and 1:1 Work for Women

What Called You Here?
Many women reach a point where they feel stuck, unseen and depleted even though their lives may appear okay on the outside. This can contribute to symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, grief, trauma, burnout, low self-worth, relationship difficulties, work issues, physical health problems and more. You can feel like you're simply going through the motions, like you're sleepwalking through your own life.
You are not alone. This is an endemic problem amongst women throughout patriarchal societies, where the unexamined mythology we live by has required us to live from our heads but not from our hearts. In doing so we lose connection with core aspects of who we are, especially aspects of our deep Feminine soul, leaving us less whole. This creates inner imbalances that lead to many problems in our individual lives and also systemic problems in our collective lives too.
Eventually you hear a call from deep within yourself, a longing for change, even though you may not know what for or how to find it. This is the call of your wild feminine soul, longing to be retrieved so inner harmony can be restored. Personal exploration work that restores balance to your inner world invites you up to express yourself more authentically and embrace life more fully. This empowers you to live a soulful life full of purpose and become the change you wish to see in the world around you too.

What Is The ReEmergence Process?
The ReEmergence Process is a personal exploration programme that helps women who feel stuck, unseen and depleted in their everyday life, to ReClaim the wisdom of their deep feminine soul and ReAnimate lost parts of themselves so they can ReEmerge into the more balanced, authentic and vital life full of purpose that they long for. The ReEmergence Process offers a way to move towards greater wholeness, and in doing so, you can live more harmoniously in relationship with yourself, others and the world. The ReEmergence Process involves psychological, embodiment and creative practices in 3 core stages.

1.ReClaiming: re-awakening, re-membering and re-wilding. This initial stage focuses on enhancing our awareness as we explore, share and witness individual and collective stories around the lost Feminine. This helps create a solid foundation and focus as we dive deep into this inner process.
2.ReAnimating: re-orientating, re-crafting and re-integrating. This middle stage focuses on the retrieval of lost parts of ourselves that we find in the depths of this process, by practicing a variety of arts of the Feminine. These are simple practices that can be easily integrated into your everyday life.

3.ReEmerging: re-connecting and re-uniting. This final stage focuses on bringing what we have gained from this deep inner process back up to our everyday life in a meaningful and sustainable way. By unifying the inner Feminine and Masculine and connecting into various external systems of support, you can continue to be resourced in your own process of reemergence.

Is The ReEmergence Process For You?

"I can say with absolute conviction that this was one of the best workshops I've ever attended, online or face to face. The delicacy and authenticity with which Alice held the space were just wonderful. She created an environment of reflection, creativity and calm, where a group of strangers felt grounded, deeply connected and inspired to think differently about our place in the world. Thank you and I can't wait to join another workshop!" (Nikki)

"To bring our lives and our world back into balance, we have to bring ourselves fully back to life. To do this we need to rebalance the deep Masculine and deep Feminine principles that reside within each of us. By reclaiming the lost arts of the Feminine we can reanimate ourselves and help regenerate the world we all call home.”
(Consultant Clinical Psychologist - Author - Founder of The ReEmergence Process)
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